Jakov Xoxa
Jakov Xoxa was born in the year 1923 and died in the year 1979. He was a writer from Albania of the 20 th century. source of picture:...

Jakov Xoxa was born
in the year 1923 and died in the year 1979. He was a writer from Albania of the
20th century.
source of picture: index.fieri.com
Xoxa was born in the
town of Fiert on the 15th April 1923 and then he studied at the
Qemal High School, which is in Tirana, Albania. He took part in the
Anti-Fascist War when he was still young. After the Liberation of the country,
after the World War II, he went on to study philology and he started writing
poetry and prose. in the year 1949, he published the first prose novel in the
country. He worked as a professor in the faculty of History and Philology at
the University of Tirana from the year 1957, andf it was there that he lectured
for many years on the literary theory. He died in the year 1979 in Budapest.
Notable Works
The Dead River
The White Juga
Flower of salt