Ustad Mohammad Ibraheem Khwakhuzhi was born on the 28 th February 1920 in the region of Kandahar, Afghanistan. He is the son of Dur Moham...
Ustad Mohammad
Ibraheem Khwakhuzhi was born on the 28th February 1920 in the region
of Kandahar, Afghanistan. He is the son of Dur Mohammad Khan Baloch. His son,
Gharzai Khwakhuzhi is an active member of the political empire of the country
and his grandson, Gharanai Khwakhuzhi is currently an Afghan Foreign Service
Officer at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of
source of picture:
Early Life
Ibraheem began his
primary education at the age of 6 and after his baccalaureate in the year 1936;
he went to Teachers Training School and successfully graduated in the year
1938. In the year 1942, he got his diploma in Education and Literature and then
he got his degree in Journalism in the year 1962.
After graduation, he
began his teaching profession as the principle of the Ahmad Shah Baba High
School in Kandahar and later on he became the teacher of literature at the
Habibia High School. His first published poem was done in the 1934, when he was
14 and it was done in the Tolo-e-Afghan newspaper.
Political Life
Mohammad Ibraheem
began his political life with the setting up of Weessh Zalmyan movement in the
year 1947, and there he was among the founding members of the movement that is
from the Kandahar region of the country. Mr. Zarmalwal named him in one of his
articles and opined,
“The following people were amongst the founding
members of the movement:
From Nangarhar: Ustad Gul Pacha Ulfat, Ustad
Qyam-ud-Dean Khadim, Pohand Siddique ullah Reshtein and Late. Ghulam Hassan
Khan Safi.
From Pakiya: Neek Mohammad Pakityanai and Ghulam Mai-ud-Dean
Zarmalwal who was known as Ghulam Mai-ud-Dean Roshan.”
the year 1950, Weesh Zalmyan movement was brought under a crackdown of the
government because of the liberal and modernized demands and Mohammad Ibraheem
who was the director of Education in the region of Kandahar was the first to be
arrested. Ghulam Gelani Khan wrote something about this in a gtopic in Mohammad
Alam Buserkai’s book that is known as Weesh Zalmyan where he opines;
"In 1950 the Afghanistan’s Weesh Zalmyan
Movement was at its best in the Kandahar Province and was progressing well.
As one of our active member late. Mohammad Ibraheem
Khwakhuzhi the director of Education in Kandahar Province was arrested by the
Kandahar’s governor Mohammad Younus Khan; he was the first member of our
Movement to be arrested by the Government."
in the mid-1960s he joined the Progressive Democratic Part of the country under
the leadership of Late. Mohammad Hashim Maiwandwal.
to the time he was released from the prison, Ibraheem was forced to leave the
region of Kandahar and so he was to settle in Kabul. He began his public
service career in the government of his country after he had settled in Kabul.
In 1956,
he was consigned as a capable member of Pashto Academy
In 1957, he worked as the Head
of Broadcast Monitoring of Radio Afghanistan
In 1959, he worked as the deputy
director of Radio Afghanistan
In 1960, he worked as the deputy
director of Afghan Theater (Pohane Nandare)
and also teacher of History in Naderia High School
In 1961, he was carefully chosen
as a member of Afghan-China Friendship Association
In 1963, he was apportioned as
the Director General of Literature at the Ministry of Publications (then)
In 1966, he worked as the
Director General of the Book Publication in the Ministry of Culture
In 1967, he worked as the
President of Public Libraries of Afghanistan
In 1969, he was nominated as a
member of the Afghan National Committee for UNESCO
In 1971, he served as the
Director General of Virtue of Pashtu Language at the Academy of Sciences
In 1973, he was invited by His
Excellency Shah Faisal to visit Saudi
Arabia and at the time of his visit he also completed a pilgrimage (Hajj) to Mecca.
In that same year subsequent to the regime change and Daoud Khan coming to power,
Ibraheem was forced to retire from the public service.
Retirement and Death
After he was forcefully retired from the
public service of his country, Ibraheem to personal literary work of saying
poems and writing and also teaching that included Tafsir of Quran at
Qala-e-Fatehullah Mosque Kabul.
the 24th October 1992 out of the ill health that he was fighting
against, he died in Kabul and is buried Shuhada-e-Saliheen in Kabul. Ibraheem
was not just a good poet, good writer and a journalist, he was also an active
member of the training and enlightening of the youth and the generations that
came after him.
he was living, he was rewarded by the Government of his country for his service
wi9th these honors;
- First
position award in Pashtu Literation (1946)
- Second
grade medal of Da Meenapal Nishan from His Excellency King Mohammed Zahir Shah
- First
grade medal of Da Meenapal Nishan from His Excellency King Mohammed Zahir Shah
- Best
Cultural Activist Award (Pohanpal) (1972)
of his books are;
Da Meenae Wazhma (Collection of poems)
Aikayat Na Dai Aqiqat Dai (It is not a
story but the Truth)
Yawa Zharawonki Manzara (A tearful
Marghalara Aow Noor Khan (The story of
Marghalara & Noor Khan)
Sheen Khali Aow Ghulalai (The story of
Sheen Khali & Ghulalai)
Dwa Zwane Marg Mayenan (Two young
Da Meenae Wazhma 2 (Collection of poems
Part 2)
Da Meenae Wazhma 3 (Collection of poems
Part 3)