Pop Music of Papua New Guinea
In the beginning of the 20 th century, Christian hymns known as work songs and gold rush songs were popular, some in indigenous languages...

the beginning of the 20th century, Christian hymns known as work
songs and gold rush songs were popular, some in indigenous languages and some
in English or German. In the 1920s, recorded music had become renowned and
radio broadcasting of the western renowned music emerged by the late 30s. a few
eras later, Allied soldiers and sailors during the World War II promoted the
guitar and ukulele while stationed in the Philippines and Hawaii. Cord
ensembles became extremely renowned by the early 50s and soon led the pop
landscape. In the late 60s, rock ensembles such as Kopikats had emerged in
cities, while cord ensembles like the Paramana Strangers had become popular
internationally. This was followed by the importation of bamboo bands, a
pattern of music from the Solomon Islands using bamboo tubes played by beating
them with sandals. This first came in the region of Madang in the mid-70s, and
later extent all over the country.