History of Music in Mali
Mali music is like that of most African nations, ethnically different, but one influence leads that of the olden Mali Empire of the Mand...
source of picture: www.afropop.org
Keita who is a noble-born Malian became a singer who brought Mande-based
Afro-pop to the world, changing traditional attire and patterns. He said that
he sing is to express himself, though, and not as a traditional jeli or
praise-singer. Sidiki Diabate and Toumani Diabate that are kora players have
also gained some international popularity and also the late Songhai/Fula
guitarist Ali Farka Toure and his successors Afel Bocoum and Vieux Farka Toure,
the Tuareg band Tinariwen, the duo Amadou et Mariam, Oumou Sangare and Mory
Kante saw major mainstream success with techno influenced Mande music.
Malian renowned music has been known more for its male musicians locally since
1980s, also female singers such as Kandia Kouyates are everywhere on radio and
television, in markets and on the streets corners stalls. Supporters follow
them for the critical nature of their lyrics and the view that they embody
custom and their part as fashion movement settlers.
national anthem is Le Mali. After their independent under President Modibo
Keita groups were state-supported and the government made regional groups for
all the seven then areas. From 1962 the group contested in an annual Semaines
nationale de la Jeunesse (National Youth Weeks) which was held in Bamako. Keita
was removed from office by a coup d’etat in the year 1968 which was organized
by General Moussa Traore, most of Keita’s support for the arts was stopped but
the Semaines National de la Junesse festival was renamed as Biennale Artistique
et Culturelle de la Junesse which is now held in every 2 years beginning from
1970. Important and powerful bands from that time include the first electric
dance band, Orchestre Nationale A, and the Ensemble Instrumental National du
Mali that is comprising of 40 traditional artists from around the country and
still in existence now.
Mali’s President Moussa Traore stopped the Cuban music in favour of Malian
traditional music. The annual arts festivals do take place biannually and it is
known as the Biennales. During the end of 1980s public support for the Malian
government fall and praises singing’s support for the status quo and the
political leader became unfavoured socially.