Classical Music of Luxembourg
One of the greatest powerful and versatile artists in Luxembourg was Laurent Menager (1835-1902). He is referred to as Luxembourg’s nation...
of the greatest powerful and versatile artists in Luxembourg was Laurent
Menager (1835-1902). He is referred to as Luxembourg’s national composer; he
was also an enthusiastic choirmaster, organist and teacher. In 1857, he
established the national choral association sang a Klang. Many of his
composition include choral works, orchestral pieces, church music and operettas
as well as music for brass bands and the theatre.

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Luxembourg philharmonic group formerly refers to as RTL Grand Symphony orchestra
which was established in 1933. Since 2005 when the philharmonie Luxembourg show
hall was opened, the group has had its own home. The present directors have
done much to improve its picture, particularly in regards to the 20th
century French music. On many occasions opera is performed in Luxembourg City
at the Grand Theatre and in Esch-sur-Alzette at the theatre d’Esch as well as
the annual Wiltz festival.
of the Luxembourg’s international recognized soloists include violinist
Sandrine Cantoreggi, cellists Francoise Grobem, pianists Francesco Tristano
Schlime and Jean Muller and singer Mariette Kemmer. Among the current composer
are Claude lenners, Camille Kerger, George Lentz (though he lives primarily in
Australia), Marcel Wengler and Alexander Mullebach. Since 1999 the Luxembourg
Sinfonietta group has done much to help the current music, not only by
performing Luxembourg works at home and overseas but by organizing yearly
international contests for current composers.