Trova Music of Cuba
During the 19 th century here grew up in Santiago de Cuba a group travelling musician, troubadors, who moved around and earned their livi...
the 19th century here grew up in Santiago de Cuba a group travelling
musician, troubadors, who moved around and earned their living by singing and
playing the guitar, they were the great significant composer and their songs
have been recorded for all genres of the Cuban music.
source of picture:
Sanchez born by Jose Sanchez from 1856 to 1918 is known as the founder of the
trova style and the initiator of the Cuban bolero, he had no formal education
in music. With remarkable natural talent he released numbers of song in his
head and never wrote them down. The first and one of the longest lived was Sindo
Garay from 1867 to 1968, he was an
outstanding singer of the trova songs, and his best have been sung and released
in many times. Garay was also musically illiterate.