History of Music in Ethiopia
The Ethiopian music is mainly different with each of the Ethiopia’s ethnic groups that are being associated with special sounds; some of t...
The Ethiopian music is mainly different
with each of the Ethiopia’s ethnic groups that are being associated with
special sounds; some of the forms of the traditional music are strongly covered
by the folk music from elsewhere in the Horn of Africa. Although, the Ethiopian
religious music also has a past Christian element dated to Yared, who lived
during the period of Gabra Masqal. In the northeastern Ethipia, in Wollo, a
Muslim musical form that is known as Manzauma developed, sung in Amharic,
Manzuma has move to Harar and Jimma where it is now sung in the Oromo dialect.
The Ethiopian Highland traditional secular music is played mainly by the
itinerant musicians who are known as Azmaris, they are regarded as suspicion
and also respected in Ethiopian society.
source of picture: pri.org