Šargija: musical instrument of Bosnia
The Šargija popularly known as the callgi by the Albanians is a fretted long necked chordophone that is being used in the folk music of ma...
The Šargija popularly known as the callgi by the Albanians is a fretted
long necked chordophone that is being used in the folk music of many Balkan
countries, that includes Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia, Albania and Herzegovina, etc.
this musical instrument is known to have originated from Bosnia and Herzegovina
in the ruling time of Ottoman Empire from 1463 to 1878 and today this musical
instrument is played by these countries. The instrument which originally came
with four strings has now been increased to six strings and some even seven.
The šargija as a musical instrument normally accompanies the violin and it
possesses a jangling sound that is quite similar to the Turkish saz. It is also
known to be a similar musical instrument to the two string qiftelia, the
difference is that it has more string and looks more like the Turkish saz.
Normally there are three courses of metal strings and the frets are usually set
to the surface in a non-western design. The body could be carved from different
bond of woods or carved from one piece of wood.
source of picture: commons.wikimedia.org
The šargija, mainly used by the Bosnian and Herzegovina and the
development of this musical instrument was very slow due to economic
difficulties, political and socio-cultural isolation from the Western Europe
was very slow.