Sapeh: Indonesia musical instrument
The sapeh is a traditional lute of many of the Orang Ulu or the people of upriver, who live in the long houses that line the rivers of the...
The sapeh is a traditional lute of
many of the Orang Ulu or the people of upriver, who live in the long houses
that line the rivers of the central Borneo. Sapehs are carved from a single
bole of wood, with several modern musical instruments reaching over a meter in
its length.
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Originally, the musical instrument
was fairly a limited musical instrument with two strings and only three frets
on it. The instrument’s use was limited to a form of ritualistic music to
prompt trance. In the last century, the musical instrument simultaneously
became a social musical instrument to accompany dances or as a form of
entertainment to many people. In the modern days, three, four or five string
versions of the musical instrument are used, with a range of more than three
Technically, the instrument is a
relatively simple musical instrument, having one string carrying the melody and
the accompanying strings as rhythmic drones. In practice, music is quite
intricate, with several decorations and thematic variations. There are two
common modes, one for the men’s longhouse dance and the other for the woman’s
longhouse dance. There also is a third rarely used mode. The music of the
instrument is often inspired by dreams and there are over 35 traditional pieces
with many variations. The overall repertoire is gradually increasing.
The musical instrument is still being produced
in Borneo, and modern innovations like the electric versions of the sapeh are
commonly used today.