Rebab: Iraq musical instrument
The rebab is a kind of string musical instrument that is named no later than the 8 th century and spread through Islamic trading routes o...
The rebab is a kind of string musical
instrument that is named no later than the 8th century and spread
through Islamic trading routes over much of Northern Africa, the Middle East
and some parts of Europe and also the Far East. The bowed musical instrument
usually has a spike at the bottom to rest on the ground and that is why the
musical instrument is called spike fiddle in some places, but plucked versions
of the instrument like the kabuli rebab also can be found in some areas.
Meanwhile, apart from the version of the instrument called spike fiddle, there
also exist a version of the instrument that have a pear-shaped body that is
analogous to the Byzantine lyra and the Cretan lyra. The Cretan lyra travelled
to the western part of Europe in the 11th century and was called
source of picture:
Though the musical instrument is
valued for its voice-like tone, it has a limited range and was gradually
replaced throughout much of the Arab world by the violin and the kemenche.
The rebab is used in wide variety of
musical groups and genres, corresponding with the wide distribution of the
instrument. The instrument is constructed and performed slightly differently in
various areas. In the Southeast Asia, the musical instrument is a large musical
instrument that has a range that is analogous to the viola da gamba, whereas
versions of the musical instrument further west seems to be smaller and higher
in their pitches. The body of the instrument varies from being decoratively
carved, as in Java, to simpler versions like the 2-strings Egyptian fiddle of
the Nile may have its body carved with the use of half coconut shell. The more
sophisticated version of the musical instrument has a metal sound box and the
front of the instrument could be half-covered with the use of beaten copper and
half of the instrument will be covered with the use of cow skin.