Music Institution of Bermuda
The Bermuda is a home of ballet Association, which was established by Particia Gray in the year 1962, with the support of Ana Roje. Ot...
Bermuda is a home of ballet Association, which was established by Particia Gray
in the year 1962, with the support of Ana Roje. Other music institution which
include the Bermuda National youth Jazz Ensemble and the Bermuda philharmonic
group, there is also a Portuguese cultural association which promotes the
culture of the large Portuguese population in Bermuda, especially the traditional
folk dances of the Azores. The Bermuda Philharmonic conductor is Gray Brugess,
who is a former opera singer. Bermuda also has produced notable classical
musicians in Macrcelle Clamens, and opera singer, mezzo soprano Jane Farge,
pianists Peter Carpenter and Karol Sue Reddington, and Joyce Mary Helen