Moko drum: Indonesia musical instrument
Moko are bronze kettle drum that is from Alor Island, Indonesia. While the musical drums have been found in many different locations in th...
Moko are bronze kettle drum that is from Alor
Island, Indonesia. While the musical drums have been found in many different
locations in the country, they are most famously linked with the Island of
Alor, where the instruments have been long prized in the ceremonial exchanges.
Later moko drums were manufactured in China and Java and were brought to Alor
in the 19th century.
source of picture:
scholars identify the design and ornamentations have their likely origin in the
Đông Sơn the centre of the Đông Sơn culture in Vietnam. Meanwhile, it has remains a mystery
as to how the older Đông Sơn drum came into Alor. Local origin stories defined the
innovation of this musical instruments buried in the ground and is still common
to hear of the instrument being exposed in this manner.
The musical instruments remain crucial symbols of status
and are specific important is the ritual value of the instrument. The
instruments are still widely needed as part of the bridal dowry, but the short
supply of the instrument today means that the musical instrument must usually
be borrowed or guaranteed for this intention.