Mizmar: Egyptian musical instrument
In the Arabic music, a mizmar is any single or double reed wind musical instrument. In Egypt, the term is mizmar often refer to the conica...
In the Arabic music, a mizmar is any
single or double reed wind musical instrument. In Egypt, the term is mizmar
often refer to the conical shawn that is known as Zurna in turkey. The mizmar
is also a term that is used for a group of musicians, often a duo or trio that
play the musical instrument together with an accompaniment of one or two
double-side bass drums that are known as ‘tabl baladi’ in the Arabic language.
The mizmars are often performed in Egypt either at weddings or as an
accompanying musical instrument to the belly dancers. In Lebanon, the
Palestinian territories and Syria, the musical instrument is influenced by the
zurna of Turkey. The zurna is a higher pitched version of the musical
instrument and may be also called zamr in those countries. In morocco, an
analogous musical instrument is known as ‘ghaita’. Together with the belly
dancers, the musical instrument may accompany the dabke, a folkloric line dance
that is done in Lebanon, Syria, Israel, Iraq and Palestinian Territories.
source: ethnicmusicalinstrumen...