Dutar: Iran musical instrument
The dutar is a musical instrument with long neck and two-string lute found in Iran, South Asia and Central Asia. Its name was derived from...

The dutar is a musical instrument
with long neck and two-string lute found in Iran, South Asia and Central Asia.
Its name was derived from the Persian name of “two strings” which is “do tar.”
The small dutar is about 100cm. Dutar is mainly made of mulberry tree; The
Afghanistan dutar has fourteen strings. The strings are being plucked by the
Uyghur of Western China when it is being played and slummed and plucked by the
Tajiks, Turkmen, Uzbeks, Afghan people and Pakistan. A related musical
instrument called dotara is played by the Baul community of West Bengal and
Bangladesh. At front side and mostly at backside of high quality dutar are
national decorations fixed. Dutar means double string; it has a longer history
and is widespread among the people.
source of picture: meshrep.com
The Shepherds made the string of the
instrument from gut in the beginning of the 15th century, but with
the coming of Silk Road, the strings were manufactured from twisted silk. The
typical sizes for the pear-shaped instrument range from one to two meters. The dutar has a warm, pleasant to hear tone
It is used to accompany singing and dancing and also can be an instrument of