Appearance of new composers in Azerbaijani music industry
During the 1920-1930 which marked the appearance of the new composers, the early 1930 work which is the first and the second fantasy by U...
During the 1920-1930
which marked the appearance of the new composers, the early 1930 work which is
the first and the second fantasy by U. Hadjibeyov which was written for
symphonic orchestra by Solemn March of U. Hadjibeyov, in the streets of
Azerbaijan, dance of free woman, March of Azerbaijan, March RV- 8 of Muslim
Magomayev and folklore musical instruments.
theme of patriotism and heroism, which rose from the war of 1941-1945, were
reflected in songs, in compositions for folklore musical instruments by U.
Hadjibeyov, S. Rustemov, in the opera Motherland by G. Garayev and C. Hadjiyev
that presented the USSR State Award in 1946, also the first symphony by Dj.
Hadjiyev, G. Garayev and S. Hadjibeyov created the first symphony genre of
Azeri music. The opera Khosrov and Sweetheart were also the creative works of
the time of war. The initiator of the new genre of Ghazal U. Hadjibeyov
initiated the production of declamation, turned into the language of music and
melodies of cantilena type using the poetry and speech with a great mastery.
The entire music succeeds for a great progress through the year of the Great
Patriotic War.
the war the national music experienced new development. The music of Azerbaijan
was a success not only in the country but also in the countries abroad. The
ballet seven beauties by Gara Garayev in 1952 was based on the analogues poem
by Nizami, choreography P.A Gusev, Azerbaijan theatre of opera and ballet which
opened a new stage in the history of Azeri music. The ballet seven beauties
played an important role in the achievement of ballet in Azerbaijan as it
founded the new musical dramaturgy in the ballet art of Azerbaijan.
the ballet, the path of thunder by U. Hadjibeyov was staged in the theatre of
ballet and opera of Leningrad in 1958 (Lenin’s award in 1967, based on the
analogous novel by P. Abrahams, Choreograph K.M. Sergeyev). The author made the
tragic love of a major character to a sharp conflict initiated a modern play
specific from the point of view of its musical composition. The play presented
a clear musical concept, brilliant character and folklore music of the Azerbaijan.
Hadjibeyov initiated the ballet Gulshen in 1950 at the state award of the USSR
in 1952, which showed the contemporary life of people. Operettas Gozun Aydyn by
F. Amirov in 1946, the crane by S. Rustamov in 1947, and Ulduz in 1948 are a
good example of this genre.