Ivan Pinheiro Themudo Lessa
Ivan Pinheiro Themudo Lessa was born on the 9 th May 1935; he died on the 8 th June 2012. He was a Brazilian journalist and a writer of ...
Ivan Pinheiro Themudo Lessa was born on the 9th May 1935; he
died on the 8th June 2012. He was a Brazilian journalist and a
writer of American origin.
source of picture: www.findagrave.com
Early Life and Career
Ivan Pinheiro Themudo Lessa was born in the city of Sao Paulo; he was the
son of the journalist and a writer of the country called Elsie Lessa and also
the writer of the country called Orígenes Lessa, and
he is the father of a British writer called Juliana Foster.
Ivan Lessa edited and
wrote for the newspaper of the country called O Pasquim, and he was the writer of the sections of the newspaper
called Gip-Gip-Nheco-Nheco
and Fotonovelas, which he wrote together with Edélsio Tavares.
Ivan Lessa published
the total of three books, which are; Garotos da Fuzarca, a short story written in the year 1986, Ivan Vê o
Mundo, which he wrote in the year 1999 and O Luar e a Rainha of the year 2005.
Ivan Lessa lived in
the city of London for several years, and it was there that he wrote and
broadcasted for the Brazilian version of BBC news website.
Ivan Lessa died on
the 8th June 2012 from pulmonary emphysema
in the city of London.