Gospel Music of Uganda
The early gospel music in Uganda was modeled primarily after the praise and worship music practice by church choirs and ensemble, speciall...

early gospel music in Uganda was modeled primarily after the praise and worship
music practice by church choirs and ensemble, specially the Pentecostal/Born
Again movement, locally known as Balokolre. Musicians like Fiona Muskasa during
in the mid-90s were responsible for taking praise and worship music out of the
churches and onto the streets. Because of the influence of the Soukous music at
the time, this early gospel had a Soukous beat. Limit X was other gospel orchestras
that attained fame during in the 90s. Just after the beginning if the century,
the patterns in gospel became more different with different orchestras such as
First Love and Sauti adding to the urban sound formed by Limit X. Others such
as the father Musaala and George Okudi had surprising hits on the radio tour
and internationally. Though, this was with the turning point of Judith Babirye
circa 2007 that gospel began to have a popular role on the music industry.
Babirye, whose music was like the Fiona Mukasam was an example hit and her song
known as Beera Nange which was among the chants of the year in its year of
production, she was accompanied by Wilson Bugembe, another artist who was
readily held by the listening public with his chants becoming national hits,
cutting throughout all demographics. Currently, they have been consolidated by
different current musicians bridging different genres.
source of picture: www.talentedafrica.com