Minnesinger and Meistersingers of Germany

After the Latin-language religious music had lead for centuries, in the 12 th century to the 14 th centuries, minnesingers (love poets),...

After the Latin-language religious music had lead for centuries, in the 12th century to the 14th centuries, minnesingers (love poets), singing in German, and spread over German. Minnesingers were aristocrats travelling from court who had become artists, and their work left behind a vast body of literature, Minnelieder. The following two centuries saw the minnesinger replaced by middle class Meistersingers, who were often master craftsmen in their main profession, and whose music (meistergesang) was much more official and rule based than that of the minnesingers. Minnesingers and Meistersingers could be measured parallel of French troubadours and trouvere.
source of picture: theadvocate.com

Among the minnesingers, Hermann, a monk from Salzurg, deserved special note. He incorporated traditional patterns from the Alphine regions in his compositions. He made some primitive ventures into polyphony as well. Walther von der Vogeweide and Reinmar von Hagenau are probably the most popular minnesingers from this era.


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