Orlando Carrió
Orlando Carrió was born on the 5 th August 1955; he died on the 26 th May 2002. He is an argentine actor. He died of the cancer of the l...

Orlando Carrió was born on the 5th August 1955; he died on the
26th May 2002. He is an argentine actor. He died of the cancer of
the lung on the 26th May 2002.
source of picture: telenovelawiki.com
Ø Aprender a vivir (1982)
Ø Entre el amor y el poder
Ø Yolanda Luján (1984)
Ø El Pulpo negro (1985)
Ø De carne somos (1988)
Ø Rebelde (1989)
Ø Mipequeña Soledad (1990)
Ø Las secretasintenciones
Ø Madres egoistas (1993)
Ø Dulce Ana (1995)
Ø Los Ángeles no lloran (1996)
Ø Los Herederos del poder
Ø Ricos y Famosos (1997)
Ø Señoras sin señores (1998)
Ø Midestinoerestú (2000)
Ø Sin pecadoconcebido (2001)
Ø Así son ellas (2002)