José María Aricó
José María Aricó was born in the year 1931 in Villa María, Córdoba Province, Argentina; he died on the 22 nd August 1991. He was an argen...
José María Aricó was born in the year 1931 in Villa
María, Córdoba Province, Argentina; he died on the 22nd August 1991.
He was an argentine intellectual. He is influenced by Antonio Gramsci and he
was the man that developed a democratic socialist thought.
source of picture:
Ø Mariátegui y los orígenes del
Ø Marx y América Latina
Ø La cola deldiablo. Itinerario de Gramsci en América
Ø La hipótesis de Justo: escritossobre el socialismo
en AméricaLatina
Ø Entrevistas, 1974-1991