Liza Vorfi
Liza Vorfi was born on the 29 th November 1924 and she died on the 29 th January 2011. She was a singer and an actress from Albania. ...
Vorfi was born on the 29th November 1924 and she died on the 29th
January 2011. She was a singer and an actress from Albania.
source of picture:
the year 1932, her family relocated to Tirana, Albania from Dakovica. Vorfi
began her artistic career in the year 1939 as a musician on the Radio station
of Tirana. Between the year 1939 and the year 1943, she embarked on a study in
Italy in the Rome Conservatory and then she kept on with her studies in Pesaro.
In the year 1945, she went back to Albania to act on the stage as an actress.
Together with Behije Cela, she was among the first female actress of the
National theatre of the country. She played her part in GJIDO. She interpreted
more than 60 roles on the stage in her entire career and she was also seen in
movies of the country. After her husband was jailed together with other
intelligentsias that studied in Austria, she was barred from the National
Theatre for one good year. vorfi died at the age of 86 on the 29th
January 2011. She will be remembered for the rle that she played in the
interpretation of the old lady in the Radiostacioni film.