The Esplanade of Singapore
In the year 2002 the arts center was launched, Esplanade theatres on the Bay, has served to point the island’s multi-genre music making. T...
In the year 2002 the arts center was launched, Esplanade theatres
on the Bay, has served to point the island’s multi-genre music making. This is
now place for the Singapore Symphony Orchestra’s donation and gala shows. In
addition, the arts center has ensured a representation of classical and folk
music from the four primary cultures in the land. Specially, the constant
festivities of Hua Yi Pesta Raya and Kalaa Utsavam enable to interpret the various collections are heard
on constant fundaments.
source of picture:
The Esplanade theatre on the Bay also offerings 3 music
festivities, include Baybeats which objective to train the indigenous
alternative music scene and youth and culture providing chances for youths and
the music community to involve and enjoy their own music at low cost.