Metal Music of South Africa
During in the early and mid-80s, there were ensembles such as Stretch, Lynx, Montreaux, Pentagon, Razor, Black Rose and Osiris. Then came...
in the early and mid-80s, there were ensembles such as Stretch, Lynx, Montreaux, Pentagon, Razor, Black Rose
and Osiris. Then came the current breed of South African metal with an ensemble
known as Ragnarok who were labeled as
South African’s Metallic and it is the only ensemble during that time to have a
cult following. They established in South Johannesburg in the year 1986 playing
covers during a short period while and later they moved to the original music
only. Throughout the late 80s and the early 90s, South Africa increased a
well-known metal scene, marked by the release of the Johanns4burg based
Odysseys’ self-titled album in the year 1991. There was an increase within the
punk/metal scene in the main centers, especially encouraged on by Cape Town’s
Voice of Destruction and Johannesburg based Urban Assault in the most extreme
80s. Johannesburg established a great metal scene in the year 1992 with
emerging grindcore/death act Retribution Denied, Boksburg based macabre/death metal act Debauchery accompanied by
Pretoria doom metal ensemble Funeral, Christian metal act Abhorrence strictly
followed by Insurrection, Metamorphosis Sacrifice and Agro the latter two acts
of whom still perform now. The Cape Town metal scene was very high during the
mid-90s driven vastly by Pothile and Sacraphyx. Pothole would release two
critically commended albums on South African’s extreme popular punk/metal
label, Way-Cool Records and their album known as Force Fed Hatred is still top
selling South African metal album still now. While many of the acts failed to find commercial achievement in terms of CD
sales, there was a devout following nationally and indigenous metal ensembles
later opened the national travelling tour to a higher range than most other
genre. It also interested international musicians to circuit the country most
immediately after the passing of apartheid, with some of the extreme renowned
international musicians having considered fit to visit the country since.
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