Pop Music of Malaysia
The Malaysian pop music scene developed from the traditional asli (pure) music fame in the 1920s and 1930s by Bangsawan troupes. These tro...
Malaysian pop music scene developed from the traditional asli (pure) music fame
in the 1920s and 1930s by Bangsawan troupes. These troupes are in fact a form
of Malaysia opera influenced by Indian opera at the first, which is known as
Wayang Pasir (Paris) and began by rich Persian residing in India. They depicted
stories from different groups such as Indian, Islamic, Chinese, Western, Malay
and Indonesia. Music, dance and acting with costumes are used in performance
depending on the stories told.
source of picture: blog.sarawaktourism.com
of the earliest new Malay pop songs was Tudung Periok sung by Momo Latif who
recorded in the 1930. During 1950s, P. Ramlee became the greatest famous Malay
singer and composer with a range of slow ballads such as Azizah, Dendang
Perantau and the evergreen Di Mana Kanu Ku Cari Ganti.
the mid-1990s, Dangdut saw a revival after lying dormant since the early 1980s
with the debut of Amelina. Her least successful album sold over 100,000, a feat
that is yet to be repeated in the 2010s. Composer Ruslan Mamat who engineers
the new Dangdut, credited Ace of Base for the tempo reference.
current pop music exchanges between Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei and Indonesia
are normal since these countries share the Malay language. Pop singer like Siti
Nurhaliza for instance is popular in all the four countries.