History of Music in Democratic Republic of the Congo
The music of Democratic Republic of the Congo differs in its various forms, outside the Africa, most music from the Democratic Republic of...
music of Democratic Republic of the Congo differs in its various forms, outside
the Africa, most music from the Democratic Republic of Congo is known as
Soukous, which most accurately states instead to a dance that is famous in the
late 1960s. The term rumba or rock-rumba is used generically and refers to
Congolese music, though neither is detail nor accurately expressive. The people
from the Congo have no term for their own music, per se, while muziki na biso
(our music) was used until the late 1970s and recently the most common name is
nudle, which simply refers to music in the Lingala language. Most composers
from the Democratic Republic of the Congo sung in Lingala.
source of picture: www.our-africa.org