Zhangu: China musical instrument
Zhangu is also known as a war drum. The zhangu is a Chinese musical instrument. The musical instrument is analogous to the ‘Tanggu’ in app...

Zhangu is also known as a war drum.
The zhangu is a Chinese musical instrument. The musical instrument is analogous
to the ‘Tanggu’ in appearance, although it is lower in pitch. The musical
instrument is also known as ‘Biangu’ by some people. It was a musical
instrument used in the ritual music and also is well-known with traditional
wedding bands.
source: eason.com.sg
The zhangu drum has many sizes
according to their functions, commonly, the diameter of the drumhead are about
270 mm, 330 mm, 46 mm and 54 mm and the height of the drum are often 170 mm,
200 mm, 240 mm, 300 mm and 340 mm. the head of the drum is often produced of
wood and leather; there are two to four metal rings at the waist of the musical
instrument. The player of the drum uses one or two sticks to perform the
musical drum. The zhangu drum need two men when performed in the army march,
with one of the men carrying the drum on his back and the other man playing the
drum behind the first man.
The Mongolian war drum was called
Guangu in the olden days. The war drum was also known as the Dagu or the Jungu.
In the modern days, the musical instrument is still very popular among the
eastern regions of the Inner Mongolia. The Mongolian war instrument has a long
history that has been traced back to the Genghis Khan. The musical instrument
has been famously used for ritual ceremony and warfare. There were cylinder
shape and cone shape of the musical instrument. The cylinder-shaped drum was
placed on the war chariot while the cone-shaped version of the drum was
performed by soldiers on the horses.