The Ante Garde Music Movement in Brazil
As the reaction against the nationalist school who was identified as the servile to the centralizing politics of getulio Vargas in the...
the reaction against the nationalist school who was identified as the servile
to the centralizing politics of getulio Vargas in the year 1939 which is the
Movimento Musica Viva (which is the Living Music Movement) appeared led by Hans
Joachim Koellreutter and by egidio de Castro e Silva who was defending the
adoption of an international pattern, that came from the dodecaphonism of
Arnold Schoenberg. This orchestra was integrated by the singers such Claudio
Santoro, Cesar Guerra-Peixe, Eunice Catunda and Edino Krieger. Koellreutter
accepted the revolutionary ways, in respect to the individuality of each
student and giving to the student the freedom of creativity before the
knowledge of the folk rules for composition, the movement edited a magazine and
presented a series of radio programs that show the fundaments and the works of
the current music. Then Guerra-Peixe and Santoro followed an independent
patterns, the cantered in the regional music, other singers who used the freely
and the past patterns were Marlos Nobre, Almeida Prado, and Armando Albuquerque
who make their own patterns.
1960, the Brazilian avant-garde movement received a new wave that focus a
serial of music, microtonal music, concrete music and the electronic music,
which employed a complete new language. This movement was known as the musica
Nova (new Music) and was led by Giberto Mendes and Willey Correa de Oliveira.