shyuvr : Finland musical instrument
The shyuvr is a kind of bagpipe instrument of the Mari people, a Volga-Finnic people that are living in the Mari El Republic of the centra...
The shyuvr is a kind of bagpipe
instrument of the Mari people, a Volga-Finnic people that are living in the
Mari El Republic of the central-western Russia. The musical instrument is
opined to be a small bagpipe that is made up of a bag, a bone blowpipe as well
as two tubes of tin joined by a wooden sheath. The musical instrument is always
performed with the tumyr, a Mari drum.
An 1892 French work noted that the
Mari had developed three musical instruments, a cithara, bagpipe and a drum. A
later English work makes an analogous statement, saying that the Mari has two
musical instruments exceptional to their culture; the kusle multi-stringed
zither and the shyuvr bagpipe.