Sevdalinka Music of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Possibly, the main characteristic and identifiable Bosnian music is the Sevdalinka which is a type of emotional, melancholic folk song...
the main characteristic and identifiable Bosnian music is the Sevdalinka which
is a type of emotional, melancholic folk song that is often describes the sad
as well as love and loss, the death of a dear person or the heart break. The
Sevdalinkas were folk performed with a saz, a Turkish string instrument, which
was later replaced by the accordion.
source of picture:
the most modern arrangement to the scorn of some traditionalist, is a typically
a vocalists joined by the accordion along with the snare drums, upright bass,
guitar, clarinets and violins. The Savdalinkas are special to Bosnia and
Herzegovina as they are not only a combination of Turkish and Bosnia music,
especially the Muslims religious melodies called ilahije/nasheeds. Example of
the song that is combining all the three influence are the Kad ja podoh na
Benbasu, the unofficial anthem of the city of Sarajevo, and the Krajo Tanana
Sadrvana. While it is not common as it once was, the traditional Sevdalinka
singers like the Kadir Kurtagic, Emina Ahmehodzic, Hasim Muharemovic and
Muhamed Mesanovic-Hamic are still famous to the extent that their recordings
are available.
most modern performers of the silvana Armenulic, Safet isovic, Himzo Polovina,
Zaim Imamovic and Hanka Paldum have used the non -native instrument such as the
accordion, clarinet, violin and guitar.