Pandura:Greece musical instrument
The pandura is an ancient Greek stringed musical instrument from the Mediterranean basin. The name of the musical instrument is derived fr...
The pandura is an ancient Greek
stringed musical instrument from the Mediterranean basin. The name of the
musical instrument is derived from a Sumerian term for long-necked lutes. The
source of our knowledge about this musical instrument is since the ancient Greek
Mantineia marble now seen at national Archaeological Museum of Athens,
portrayed the mythical contest between Apollo and Marsyas, where the Greek
pandouris is being performed by a muse seated on a rock. Lutes have been
present also in the ancient Greece. Also they were present in Mesopotamia ever
since the Akkadian era.
source of picture: -
The ancient Greek pandoura was a
medium necked or long necked lute that has a small resonating chamber. The
instrument commonly had six strings; such musical instrument was also known as
the ‘trichordon’. Its descendants are still found in the world, including the Greek
tambouras and the bouzouki, the North African Kuitra, the saz of the eastern Mediterranean
and the tamburica of Balkan.
Wide versions of analogous musical
instruments, normally by the name tanbur, are seen in areas ranging from the
central Asia to Egypt. In Afghanistan, the musical instrument is called danbura,
and it is a popular folk musical instrument especially among the Hazara people.
An analogous musical instrument can be found in Chechnya and Ingushetia, where
the instrument is called Vainakhs Phondar. In Georgia, the panduri is a three
stringed fretted musical instrument widely spread in all the eastern regions of
the country, an analogous musical instrument known as chonguri is found in
Georgia also.