Dulzaina: France musical instrument
The dulzaina is a Spanish double reed musical instrument that belongs to the family of oboe instruments. The musical instrument has a coni...
The dulzaina is a Spanish double reed
musical instrument that belongs to the family of oboe instruments. The musical
instrument has a conical shape and is equivalent of the Breton Bombarde. The
musical instrument is often replaced by the oboe or a double reed clarinet as
seen in the folk music of Armenia and Ukraine.
source: bimbamboom.com
Several versions of the dulzaina
exist in the Spanish world. In the Valencia community, the musical instrument
is known as a ‘dolcaina or xirimita, the instrument is accompanied by a drum
that is known as ‘tabalet’. The catalan version of the musical instrument is
known as ‘gralla’ and the Basque version of the musical instrument is known as
‘bolin-gozo. The term dulzaina was introduced into Catalan in the 14th
century from France. In the region of Aragon, particularly in the town of
Huesca, the dulzaina is performed together with the gaitas de boto, regional
bagpipes and sometimes with drums. The musical instrument was first introduced
in the Spanish country through the Arabic people. The dulzaina is also heard in
a bigger portion of the region of Castilla y Leon, where it commonly has keys
over the holes. The musical instrument is well rooted in the folklore of the
Burgos, Segovia, Soria, in some provinces of Madrid, Avila, Guadalajara, Leon,
Cuenca and Salamanca.