Heinz Gerstinger
Heinz Gerstinger was born on the 13 th October 1919 in the city of Vienna. He is an Austrian writer and a playwright, he is also a histor...
Heinz Gerstinger was born on the 13th October 1919 in the city
of Vienna. He is an Austrian writer and a playwright, he is also a historian.
Heinz Gerstinger studied history and dramatic at the University of
Vienna. He worked for the University of Graz and for the University of Vienna
and also for the theatre of Graz and Augsburg and Vienna.
He worked for the Austrian radio and TV while he was publishing in the
literary magazine and newspapers of the country.
Heinz Gerstinger is a member of the Austrian PEN and the writers’
association called Österreichischer
Ø As
an actor: Bernhard Wicki (director): Das
falsche Gewicht following the book by Joseph Roth
Ø Calderón, Velber Hannover,
Friedrich 1967
Ø Spanische Komödie – Lope de Vega und seine
Zeitgenossen, 1968
Ø Theater und Religion heute,
Ø Der Dramatiker Anton Wildgans,
Ø Österreich, holdes Märchen und böser Traum – August
Strindbergs Ehe mit Frida Uhl, 1981
Ø Der Dramatiker Hans Krendlesberger,
Ø Wien von gestern – ein literarischer Streifzug
durch die Kaiserstadt, 1991
Ø Frau Venus reitet... – Die phantastische Geschichte
des Ulrich von Lichtenstein, 1995
Ø Ausflugsziel Burgen – 30 Burgen rund um Wien,
Ø Altwiener literarische Salons – Wiener Salonkultur
vom Rokoko bis zur Neoromantik (1777–1907), 2002
Ø Der heilige Dämon – Gregor VII,
Faksimile Verlag,