Fritz Mauthner
Fritz Mauthner was born on the 22 nd November 1849 in Horschitz, Bohemia; he died on the 29 th June 1923 in Meersburg, Germany. He was a...
Fritz Mauthner was born on the 22nd November 1849 in
Horschitz, Bohemia; he died on the 29th June 1923 in Meersburg,
Germany. He was an Austro-Hungarian novelist, satirist, theatre critic and an
exponent of philosophical skepticism taken from a critic of human knowledge.
source of picture:
Fritz Mauthner was born into a Jewish family from Horschitz in Bohemia.
His father is the owner of a small weaving factory in Horschitz. At the age of
six, his family relocated to Prague to provide a quality education for the
Fritz Mauthner was frustrated by his educational experiences and after he
had been held back for the total of 3 years, he got his Matura at the age of 20
from the
Kleinseiter-Gymnasium in the city of Prague.
Between the year 1869
and the year 1873, Fritz Mauthner
studied law in accordance with the wish of the father at the University of
Prague, the Karolinum.
Ø Beiträge zu einer Kritik der Sprache,
three volumes, Stuttgart: J.G. Cotta, 1901–1902.
Ø Aristoteles, 1904
Ø Spinoza, 1906
Ø Die Sprache, 1907
Ø Wörterbuch der Philosophie,
1910–11, 1923–24
Ø Schopenhauer, 1911
Ø Der letzte Tod des Gautama Buddha,
Ø Der Atheismus und seine Geschichte im Abendlande
(4 books), 1920–23
Ø Muttersprache und Vaterland,
Ø Anna, 1874
Ø Lyrik
Ø Die große Revolution, 1872
Ø Nach berühmten Mustern,
satirical, 1878, 1889
Ø Einsame Fahrten, 1879
Ø Vom armen Franischko, story, 1879
Ø Die Sonntage der Baronin,
Ø Der neue Ahasver, 1882
Ø Dilettantenspiegel, satirical, 1883
Ø Gräfin Salamanca, 1884
Ø Xanthippe, 1884
Ø Berlin W. (trilogy of novels):
Quartett, 1886; Die Fanfare, 1888; Der Villenhof, 1890
Ø Der letzte Deutsche von Blatna,
novel, 1887
Ø Der Pegasus, 1889
Ø Zehn Geschichten, 1891
Ø Glück im Spiel, 1891
Ø Hypatia, 1892
Ø Lügenohr, 1892 (under the
title: Aus dem Märchenbuch der
Wahrheit, 1899)
Ø Kraft, novel 1894
Ø Die Geisterseher, novel 1894
Ø Die bunte Reihe, 1896
Ø Der steinerne Riese, novella, 1896
Ø Die böhmische Handschrift,
novella 1897
Ø Der wilde Jockey, 1897
Ø Der letzte Tod des Gautamo Buddha,
novel 1913
Ø Der goldene Fiedelbogen,
and theoretical works
Ø Kleiner Krieg, 1879
Ø Credo, 1886
Ø Tote Symbole, 1892
Ø Zum Streit um die Bühne,
Ø Totengespräche, 1906
Ø Gespräche im Himmel und andere Ketzereien,
Ø Henriette Marechal, by Edmond de
Goncourt, 1895
Ø Wochenschrift für Kunst und Literatur,
Ø Magazin für die Literatur des In- und Auslandes,
Ø Bibliothek der Philosophen,
from 1911
Ø Ausgewählte Schriften, 6 books, 1919
Ø Erinnerungen, autobiography 1918
Ø Selbstbiographie 1922, in: Philosophie der Gegenwart in
Selbstdarstellungen, Bd. 3.