Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis

Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis was born on the 21 st June 1839; he died on the 29 th September 1908. He was a Brazilian poet, novelist, ...

Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis was born on the 21st June 1839; he died on the 29th September 1908. He was a Brazilian poet, novelist, playwright, a writer of short stories and an advocate of Monarchism. He is widely seen as the greatest writer of the country’s literature, though he never got much popularity outside the country.
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List of works
Ø  1861 – Desencantos: Fantasia Dramática (theater)
Ø  1862 – Hoje Avental, Amanhã Luva (theater)
Ø  1863 – Teatro (Theater: O Protocolo, or The Protocol; O Caminho da Porta, or The Way to the Door)
Ø  1864 – Quase Ministro (theater)
Ø  1864 – Crisálidas (Chrysalids; poetry)
Ø  1866 – Os Deuses de Casaca (theater)
Ø  1870 – Falenas (Phalaenae; poetry)
Ø  1870 – Contos Fluminenses (Tales from Rio; collection of short stories)
Ø  1872 – Ressurreição (Resurrection; novel)
Ø  1873 – Histórias da Meia Noite (Midnight Stories; collection of short stories)
Ø  1874 – A Mão e a Luva (The Hand and the Glove; novel)
Ø  1875 – Americanas (poetry)
Ø  1876 – Helena (Helen; novel)
Ø  1878 – Iaiá Garcia (Mistress Garcia; novel)
Ø  1881 – Tu, Só tu, Puro Amor (O Thou, Pure Love; theater)
Ø  1881 – Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas (The Posthumous Memoirs of Bras Cubas, also known in English as Epitaph of a Small Winner; novel)
Ø  1881 – O Alienista (trans. The Psychiatrist and The Alienist; novella serialized 1881–1882)
Ø  1882 – Papéis Avulsos (Single Papers; collection of short stories, including "O Alienista")
Ø  1884 – Histórias sem Data (Undated Stories; collection of short stories)
Ø  1891 – Quincas Borba (also known in English as Philosopher or Dog?; novel)
Ø  1896 – Várias Histórias (Several Stories; collection of short stories)
Ø  1899 – Páginas Recolhidas (Collected Pages; collection of short stories including The Case of the Stick)
Ø  1899 – Dom Casmurro (Lord Taciturn; novel)
Ø  1901 – Poesias Completas (Complete poetry, including Ocidentais)
Ø  1904 – Esaú e Jacó (Esau and Jacob; novel)
Ø  1906 – Relíquias da Casa Velha (Relics of the Old House; collection of short stories)
Ø  1908 – Memorial de Aires (Counselor Aires's Memoirs; novel)
Ø  1910 – Teatro Coligido (Collected Plays, including Não Consultes Médico and Lição de Botânica)
Ø  1910 – Crítica (Critique; criticism)
Ø  1914-1937 – A Semana (The Week; collection of articles, 3 vols.)
Ø  1921 – Outras Relíquias (Another Relics; collection of short stories)
Ø  1921 – Páginas Escolhidas (Selected Pages; collection of short stories)
Ø  1932 – Novas Relíquias (New Relics; collection of short stories)
Ø  1937 – Crônicas (Articles)
Ø  1937 – Contos Fluminenses (Tales from Rio; second series)
Ø  1937 – Crítica Literária (Literary Criticism)
Ø  1937 – Crítica Teatral (Theater Criticism)
Ø  1937 – Histórias Românticas (Romantic Stories)
Ø  1939 – Páginas Esquecidas (Forgotten Pages)
Ø  1944 – Casa Velha (Old House)
Ø  1956 – Diálogos e Reflexões de um Relojoeiro (Dialogues and Reflections of a Watchmaker)
Ø  1958 – Crônicas de Lélio (Chronicles of Lelio; collection of articles)
Ø  1861 – Queda que as Mulheres tem para os Tolos, from the original l'Amour des Femmes pour les Sots, by Victor Hénaux.
Ø  1865 – Suplício de uma Mulher, from the original Le Supplice d'une Femme, by Émile de Girardin and Alexandre Dumas, fils.
Ø  1866 – Os Trabalhadores do Mar, from the original Les Travailleurs de la Mer, by Victor Hugo.
Ø  1870 – Oliver Twist, from the original Oliver Twist, or the The Parish Boy's Progress, by Charles Dickens.
Collected works
Ø  1920 – Obras Completas. Rio de Janeiro: Livraria Garnier (20 vols.)
Ø  1962 – Obras Completas. Rio de Janeiro: W.M. Jackson (31 vols.)
Ø  1997 – Obras Completas. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Globo (31 vols.)
Ø  2006 – Obras Completas. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Aguilar (3 vols.)
Works in English translation
  • 1921 – Brazilian Tales. Boston: The Four Seas Company (London: Dodo Press, 2007).
  • 1952 – Epitaph of a Small Winner. New York: Noonday Press (London: Hogarth Press, 1985; rep. as The Posthumous Memoirs of Brás Cubas: A Novel. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997; Epitaph of a Small Winner. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2008; UK: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2008).
  • 1953 – Dom Casmurro: A Novel. New York: Noonday Press (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1966; rep. as Dom Casmurro. Lord Taciturn. London: Peter Owen, 1992; Dom Casmurro: A Novel. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997).
  • 1954 – Philosopher or Dog? New York: Avon Books (rep. as The Heritage of Quincas Borba. New York: W.H. Allen, 1957; New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1992; rep. as Quincas Borba: A Novel. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998).
  • 1963 – The Psychiatrist, and Other Stories. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • 1965 – Esau and Jacob. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • 1970 – The Hand & the Glove. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky.
  • 1972 – Counselor Ayres' Memorial. Berkeley: University of California Press (rep. as The Wager: Aires' Journal. London: Peter Owen, 1990; rep. as The Wager, 2005).
  • 1976 – Yayá Garcia: A Novel. London: Peter Owen (rep. as Iaiá Garcia. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1977).
  • 1977 – The Devil's Church and Other Stories. Austin: University of Texas Press (New York: HarperCollins Publishers Ltd, 1987).
  • 1984 – Helena: A Novel. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • 2008 – A Chapter of Hats and Other Stories. London: Bloomsbury Publishing.
  • 2012 – The Alienist. New York: Melville House Publishing.
  • 2013 – The Alienist and Other Stories of Nineteenth-century Brazil. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing.
  • 2014 – Ex Cathedra: Stories by Machado de Assis. Hanover, Conn.: New London Librarium.
Titles and honours
Ø  Member of the Brazilian Academy of Letters (1896–1908).
Ø  President of the Brazilian Academy of Letters (1897–1908).
Ø  Knight of the Order of the Rose (1867).
Ø  Officer of the Order of the Rose (1888).


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