Aluísio Tancredo Gonçalves de Azevedo
Aluísio Tancredo Gonçalves de Azevedo was born on the 14 th April 1857; he died on the 21 st January 1913. He was a Brazilian novelist, ...
Aluísio Tancredo Gonçalves de Azevedo was born on the 14th
April 1857; he died on the 21st January 1913. He was a Brazilian
novelist, caricaturist, diplomat, a playwright and a writer of short stories.
Initially, he was a romantic writer and later moved with the movement of the
Naturalist. He was the man that introduced the Naturalist movement in the
country with the novel he wrote called O Mulato in the year 1881.
source of picture:
He was the founder and occupied the 4th chair of the Brazilian
Academy of Letters from the year 1897 till he died in the year 1913.
Ø Uma Lágrima de Mulher (1880)
Ø O Mulato (1881)
Ø Mistérios da Tijuca, ou Girândola de Amores
Ø Memórias de um Condenado, ou A Condessa Vésper
Ø Casa de Pensão (1884)
Ø Filomena Borges (1884)
Ø O Homem (1887)
Ø O Cortiço (1890)
Ø O Coruja (1890)
Ø A Mortalha de Alzira (1894)
Ø O Livro de uma Sogra (1895)
Theatre plays
Ø Os Doidos (1879)
Ø Flor-de-lis (1882)
Ø Casa de Orates (1882)
Ø O Caboclo (1886)
Ø Fritzmack (1889 — in
partnership with Artur Azevedo)
Ø A República (1890)
Ø O Adultério (1891)
Ø Em Flagrante (1891)
Ø O Japão (chronicles — 1894)
Ø Demônios (short stories —