Ali Valiyev

Ali Valiyev was born in the year 1901; he died in the year 1983. He was a prose writer, a member of the Azerbaijan Writers Union, Azerbaij...

Ali Valiyev was born in the year 1901; he died in the year 1983. He was a prose writer, a member of the Azerbaijan Writers Union, Azerbaijan People’s Writer. He was the winner of the state prize called M.F. Akhundov.
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Ali Valiyev studied in Shusha public school in the year 1923, the Baku Central Public Council School from the year 1924 to the year 1925 and the lecturerers group. He went into the history and community faculty of Azerbaijan State Pedagogical Institute in the year 1928. He was promoted to the position of the Chief of publicity and agitation  department of Agdam region party committee and editor of the newspaper called Kolxoz sədası.
In the year 1942 and the year 1943, Ali Valiyev worked in cahrgeable positions in the Art Workers Union and Baku region Executive Committee of the country.
Selected works
Ø  Allahın səyahəti (Travel of God)1930
Ø  Nənəmin cəhrəsi (Grandmother's spinning-wheel)1930
Ø  Qarlı dağlar (Snowy mountains)1938
Ø  Dostlar (Friends)1939
Ø  Ordenli çoban (Shepherd with order)1939
Ø  Qəhrəman (Hero)1940
Ø  Sübut (Evidence)1941
Ø  Cəbhə hekayələri (The front stories)1942
Ø  Gülşən (Gulshan)1953
Ø  Çiçəkli (Flowery)1955
Ø  Turaclıya gedən yol (The way gone to Turajli)1961
Ø  Anaqiz 1965
Ø  Bir cüt ulduz (A pair of star)1967
Ø  Bir cüt tərlan (A pair of peregrine)1968
Ø  Seçilmiş əsərləri (Selected works) 6 volumes,Baku,Azərnəşr-1968,12 000 copies
Ø  Seçilmiş əsərləri (Selected works)stories,novels 6 voıumes,Azerbaijan State Book House-1969.12 000 copies
Ø  Gülşən və ürək dostları (Gulshan and her close friends)1970
Ø  Ürək dostları (Close friends)1970
Ø  Samovar tüstülənir (Tea-urn smokes)1971
Ø  Durna qatarı (Crane range)1972
Ø  Budağın xatirələri (Budag's memories)1974
Ø  Zamanın ulduzları (Stars of time)1976
Ø  Narahat adam (Worried man)1978
Ø  Oçerklər (Essays)1978
Ø  Ötən günlər (Past days)1981
Ø  Madarın dastanı (Madar's epos)1988


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