Juan Gelman

Juan Gelman was born on the 3 rd May 1930; he died on the 14 th January 2014. He was an argentine poet. Juan Gelman published more than ...

Juan Gelman was born on the 3rd May 1930; he died on the 14th January 2014. He was an argentine poet. Juan Gelman published more than 20 books of poetry between the year 1956 and the year of his death in 2014. In the year 2007, Juan Gelman was given the award of the Cervantes Prize, the most essential prize in the literature scene of Spain. His works are on the issues of life and are also tempered with the social and political issues of the country and shows his personal painful experience with the politics of his own country, Argentina.

source of picture: www.cubadebate.cu


Juan Gelman was born in Buenos Aires in the Villa Crespo neighborhood in the year 1930. He was the 3rd son of Ukrainian immigrants. His father called José Gelman was a social revolutionary that took part in the 1905 revolution in Russia; he relocated to Argentina and went back to his country after the Bolshevik revolution and then back to Argentina for good.

Juan Gelman learned how to read and write when he was three years of age. He spent most of his childhood life reading and playing football. Juan Gelman developed interest in poetry at a very young age as he was influenced by his brother called Boris, who read to him many poems in Russian language, which he never understood.

As a young man, Juan Gelman was a member of many notable literary groups in the country and he later became a crucial journalist in the country. He worked as a translator at the United Nations and he was always a passionate political activist.

Juan Gelman was involved in the Montoneros in the year 1975, though he left the group later. After the coup in the country in the year 1976, Juan Gelman was forced into exile from the country. In the year 1976, his son called Marcelo and his pregnant daughter-in-law, Maria Claudia were kidnapped from their residence.  And the couple became two of the 30,000 desaparecidos at the time of the military rule in the country. Juan Gelman was led to identify the body of his son in the year 1990.

At the time of his long exile, he strayed in Europe until the hyear 1988, he moved to United States and later he went to Mexico with his wife.

In the year 1997, Juan Gelman got the Argentine National Poetry Prize, in recognition of his works of life. He got the Cervantes Prize in the year 2007, the most essential prize for the Spanish speaking writers.


Ø  Violín y otrascuestiones, Buenos Aires, Gleizer, 1956.
Ø  El juego en queandamos, Buenos Aires, Nueva Expresión, 1959.
Ø  Velorio del solo, Buenos Aires, Nueva Expresión, 1961.
Ø  Gotán (1956-1962), Buenos Aires, La Rosa Blindada, 1962. (Neuauflage 1996)
Ø  CóleraBuey, La Habana, La Tertulia, 1965. (Neuauflage 1994)
Ø  Los poemas de Sidney West, Buenos Aires, Galerna, 1969. (Neuauflage 1995)
Ø  Fábulas, Buenos Aires, La Rosa Blindada, 1971.
Ø  Relaciones, Buenos Aires, La Rosa Blindada, 1973.
Ø  Hechos y Relaciones, Barcelona, Lumen, 1980.
Ø  Si dulcemente, Barcelona, Lumen, 1980.
Ø  Citas y Comentarios, Visor Madrid, 1982.
Ø  Hacia el Sur, México, Marcha, 1982.
Ø  Com/posiciones (1983-1984), Barcelona, Edicionesdel Mall, 1986.
Ø  Interrupciones I, Buenos Aires, Libros de Tierra Firme, 1986.
Ø  Interrupciones II, Buenos Aires, Libros de Tierra Firme, 1988.
Ø  Anunciaciones, Madrid, Visor, 1988.
Ø  Carta a mi madre, Buenos Aires, Libros de Tierra Firme, 1989.
Ø  Dibaxu, Buenos Aires, SeixBarral, 1994.
Ø  Salarios del impío, Buenos Aires, Libros de Tierra Firme, 1993.
Ø  Incompletamente, Buenos Aires, SeixBarral, 1997.
Ø  Valer la pena, Buenos Aires, SeixBarral, 2001.
Ø  País que fue será, Buenos Aires, SeixBarral, 2004.
Ø  Mundar, Buenos Aires, SeixBarral, 2007.
Ø  De atrásalante en suporfía, Madrid, Visor, und Buenos Aires, SeixBarral, 2009
Ø  El emperradocorazónamora, Barcelona, Tusquets und Buenos Aires, SeixBarral, 2011
Ø  Poemas, Casa de lasAméricas, La Habana, 1960.
Ø  Obrapoética, Corregidor, Buenos Aires, 1975.
Ø  Poesía, Casa de lasAméricas, La Habana, 1985.
Ø  Antologíapoética, Vintén, Montevideo, (1993).
Ø  Antología personal, Desde la Gente, InstitutoMovilizador de FondosCooperativos, Buenos Aires, 1993.
Ø  En abiertaoscuridad, Siglo XXI, México, 1993.
Ø  Antologíapoética, Espasa Calpe, Buenos Aires, 1994.
Ø  De palabra (1971-1987). Prefazione di Julio Cortázar, Visor, Madrid, 1994.
Ø  OficioArdiente (2005), PatrimonioNacional y la Universidad de Salamanca.
Ø  Fulgor del aire (2007), LomEdiciones, Santiago del Chile
Ø  De palabra: Poesía III (1973-1989) (2008), Visor Libros, Madrid
Ø  Bajo la luviaajena (2009), SeixBarral, Barcelona
Ø  Prosa de prensa, Ediciones B, España, 1997
Ø  Ni el flacoperdón de Dios/Hijos de desaparecidos (coautore con Mara La Madrid), Planeta, Buenos Aires, 1997
Ø  Nueva prosa de prensa, Ediciones B Argentina, Buenos Aires, 1999
Ø  Afganistan/Iraq: el imperioempantanado, Buenos Aires, 2001
Ø  Miradas, SeixBarral, Buenos Aires, 2005
Ø  Escritosurgentes, Capital Intellectual, Buenos Aires, 2009
Ø  Escritosurgentes II, Capital intellectual, Buenos Aires, 2010
Ø  El ciempiés y la araña, ilustraciones de Eleonora Arroyo, Capital intellectual, México, 2011
Ø  Juan Gelman : esperanza, utopía y resistencia / Pablo Montanaro, 2006
Ø  La escritura del duelo en la poesía de Juan Gelman / Geneviève Fabry, 2005
Ø  El llamado de los desaparecidos : sobre la poesía de Juan Gelman / Edmundo Gómez Mango, 2004
Ø  Juan Gelman y la nuevapoesíahispanoamericana / Miguel Correa Mujica, 2001
Ø  Juan Gelman : poesía de sombra de la memoria / Elena Tamargo Cordero, 2000
Ø  Acercamientos a Juan Gelman / José Bru, 2000
Ø  Palabra de Gelman : en entrevistas y notasperiodísticas / Pablo Montanaro, 1998
Ø  La poesía de Gelman: cuandosurgenlaspalabras" / Daniel Freidemberg, 1997
Ø  Juan Gelman : lasestrategias de la otredad : heteronimia, intertextualidad, traducción / María del Carmen Sillato, 1996
Ø  Como temblor del aire : la poesía de Juan Gelman, ensayoscríticos / Lilián Uribe, 1995
Ø  Confiar en el misterio : viajepor la poesía de Juan Gelman / Jorge Boccanera, 1994
Ø  Juan Gelman : contra lasfabulaciones del mundo / Miguel Dalmaroni, 1993
Ø  Conversaciones con Juan Gelman : contraderrota, Montoneros y la revoluciónperdida / Roberto Mero, 1987
Ø  La poesía de Juan Gelman o la ternuradesatada / Hugo Achugar, 1985
Ø  Juan Gelman, poetaargentino / Beatriz Varela de Rozas, 2004


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