Miloud Hadefi
Miloud Hadefi was born on the 12 th March 1949 in Oran; he died on the 17 th June 1994. He was an Algerian international football player...
Miloud Hadefi was born on the 12th March 1949 in Oran; he died
on the 17th June 1994. He was an Algerian international football
player and a coach. He was among the national team of the country that played
in the Football World Cup qualifying matches. He played the role of a defender
for the Algerian national team and was given the nickname, ‘The African Kaise’
by Pele because if the similar pattern of football he played with the German
defender Der Kaiser, Franz Beckenbauer.
source of picture:
Ø Algerian
Championnat National winner once in the year 1971 with 6he club MC Oran
Ø Algerian
Cup winner once in the year 1975 with MC Oran
Ø Gold
medal in All-Africa Games in Algiers 1978.