Slovenian Country Music
in the year 1952, the Slavko Avsenik’s ensemble began to emerge in broadcasts, movies and shows throughout the West Germany, innovating t...
the year 1952, the Slavko Avsenik’s
ensemble began to emerge in broadcasts, movies and shows throughout the West
Germany, innovating the original Oberkrainer
beat that has become the main vehicle of culture musical expression not
only Slovenian, but also in Germany Switzerland, Austria and in Benelux,
depositing hundreds of Alpines groups in the process. The ensemble released
nearly 1000 original works an essential part of the Slovenian-pattern polka
legacy. The very renowned Avsenik’s
instrumental work is the polka that is titled Na Golici in Slovene or Trompetencho
in German, and Trumpet Echoes in English. Oberkrainer music is the Avsenik
band was promoted, and it was also a strong candidate for country traditional
music awards in Slovenia and Austria. Slavko
and his brother known as Vilko, were
frequently recognized as the initiators of Slovenian traditional music, having
solidifies its pattern in the 50s. Many artists took Avsenik’s steps; one of the most popular being is Lojze Slak.
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