Pop, rock, metal, and indie music of Slovenia
Cuki, Juleitte Justine, Zaklonisce Prepeva , Psycho-Path, Dekadent (black metal ) Carnival (stoner rock), Negligence (thrash metal)...

Cuki, Juleitte Justine, Zaklonisce Prepeva,
Psycho-Path, Dekadent (black metal) Carnival (stoner rock), Negligence (thrash metal), Elvis Jackson (Ska punk), Lacni
Franz, Bohem, Puppetz (Indie), Tabu, Drustvo Mrtvih Pesnikov (pop-rock), Nanio (Gothic guitar) Terrafolk, Leaf
Fat (screamo), Avven, Pertetuum jazzile, Carpe Diem, Sank Rock, Big Foot
Mama, Yogurt, Adam, Levitan, Dan D,
Time to Time, Flirrt, Zablujena
generacija, Slon in Sadez, Katalena, Rock Partyzani, Shyam, Eroika, Hic et Nunc, Devil Doll (Experimental rock),
Chateau, Posodi mi jurja, Rock n’ band,
and Buldozer
(progressive rock) were renowned ensembles, very largely unknown outside
the country and very presently Perpetum
Jazzile with more than 12 million supporters mixed for the two a capella Africa performance videos since
their publishing on YouTube in May 2009 until
September 2011, which earning them fame from the song’s co-writer David paich.
Frane Milcinski from 1914 to
1988, Adi Smolar, Vita Mavric, Iztok Mlakar, Vlado Kreslin, Eva Srsen, Peter
Lovsin, Zoran Predin, Magnifico, Neca Falk and Vlado Kreslin
were the Slovenian chansonniers.
source of picture: en.wikipedia.org