History of Music in Sikh

The music of Sikh (shabad kirtan) started in the 16 th century as the rhythmical expression of mystical poetry conceived by the forerunne...

The music of Sikh (shabad kirtan) started in the 16th century as the rhythmical expression of mystical poetry conceived by the forerunner of Sikhism, Guru Nank. After him, all the Sikh gurus sang in the then-widespread classical and traditional music patterns, followed by corded and drumming instruments. The pattern was where the text was of prime importance and the music played a assisting, albeit important, part. The Gurus specified the raag in which they sang each of the hymns in the Sikh sacred scripture, the Guru Granth Sanihib. Sixty raags were and sixty raag differences were called. Several raag differences are distinctive to the Sikh music custom.
source of picture: www.sikhchic.com

While Hindustani music underwent significant evolves in the context of Mughal courts and a differentiate stream of Carnatic music established in the Southern India, Sikh music retained its initial type and patterns, a distinctive rhythmical custom comprising a type of musical types and well established percussive system.
During in the 20th century the classical pattern was vastly substituted by current famous genres frequently based on the Indian film music. Within the continuing classical custom, the devotional Gurmat Sangeet pattern was overtaken by the darbaari khayaal pattern. The harmonium took the place of corded instrument and the table substituted the pakhaavaj and jori.
Significant attempts have been under way since in the 70s to renew the rich Sikh music custom formed and established by the Sikh Gurus. Different words used to mean to this custom which include the Shabad keertan parampara, Gurmat sangeet, and Gurbani sangeet parampara.

Three kinds of Sikh artists include ragis, dhadhis and rababis.


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