Hip Hop Music of Sudan
The hip hop community in Sudan is trying to use its uniting authority and global fame as a universal dialect to bring unity to the country...

hip hop community in Sudan is trying to use its uniting authority and global
fame as a universal dialect to bring unity to the country. Musicians such as
the mostly famous Bangs of YouTube popularity, see the genre as a way to
liberate themselves from the surrounding culture. Hip hop shows a scene for
peace, literacy and tolerance for millions of African youth, who are influential
in numbers, but politically abandoned, as witnessed with the misuse of child
soldiers. The words have the distinctive ability to get the child soldiers as
an educational tool to picture a diverse lifestyle. Sudanese hip hop preaches
that through education and peace, there is a chance to attain a better life.
The genre blends folk music with the music of the younger generation, hip hop.
It encourages them with the power of a voice in society without being forced to
utilize guns or violence. The genre assists not only a tool that makes
spectators move, but that moves spectators in the direction of education, civil
action, and peaceful evolve. According to Jimmie Briggs the writer of the
Innocence Lost; when a Child Soldiers Go to War “A music group is not an army,
but it can get influential social message out before the really trouble will
source of picture: www.pri.org