Heavy Metal Music of United States
Heavy metal’s early initiators include the British ensembles known as Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin; however American cult ensembles such...
metal’s early initiators include the British ensembles known as Black Sabbath
and Led Zeppelin; however American cult ensembles such as The Velvet
Underground and Blue Cheer also played a major part. Their music was hard-edged
and bluesy, with a frequently menacing sound that became more known in later
subgenres. During in the beginning of the 70s, heavy metal-influenced glam rock
emerged, and artists such as David Bowie became popular for gender-refraction
costumes and themes. Glam was accompanied by the mainstream bombastic arena
rock and light progressive rock ensembles, which became the mainstream, with
ensembles such as Chicago and Styx releasing renowned professions that lasted
most of the year, Glam metal, a glitzy type of Los Angeles metal, also seen in
a local spectator but restricted mainstream achievement.
source of picture: hornsuprocks.blogspot.com