Classical music of Switzerland
One of the Switzerland’s earliest composers is known as Ludwig Senfl (1486 to 1554). The first music conservatory in the country was estab...
of the Switzerland’s earliest composers is known as Ludwig Senfl (1486 to
1554). The first music conservatory in the country was established in Geneva in
the year 1835. Composers like Hans George Naegeli and festivities like the Fete
des Vignerons assisted in the creation of the classical music custom, and the
Swiss Musicians Association was established in the year 1900.
source of picture:
the 20th century saw a emerge in the fame of swiss composers among
them include Ernest Bloch, Othmar Schoeck, Frank Martin, Rolf Liebermann, and
possibly most popularly Arthur Honeggger, whose picture of a steam train,
Pacific 231, has entered the core collection. Both Marftin and Honegger spent
time in their professions in other European countries: Martin in the
Netherlands and Honegger in France. Popular current Swiss composer include
Heinz Holliger (who is also an oboe virtuoso and Klaus Huber.
the year 1918 the conductor Ernest Ansermet established the Orchestre de la
Suisse Romande, which became the principal center for the musical invention in
Switzerland, and continues the country’s most popular group. The Lucerne
Festival Orchestra is an ad-hoc band which has been established in several
incarnations for the eponymous music festival. The most current creation, by
the Italian conductor like Claudio Abbado, has been met with essential
commendation, unlike the earlier incarnations; it currently draws artists
throughout the world.