Political music (Musica de Intervencao) of Portugal
During the time of the fascist administration music was generally used by the left-wing battle as a way to say what could not be said, sin...

During the time of the fascist administration music was
generally used by the left-wing battle as a way to say what could not be said,
singing about freedom, democracy and equality, primarily through metaphors and
Many singers and composers became popular and killed by the
political police, some of them being arrested or exiled which include Paulo de
Carvalho, Sergio Godinho, Zeca Afonso, Jose Mario Branco, Adriano Correia de
Oliveira, Fuasto, Manuel Freire, Julio Pereira, Vitorino and so on.
In 1950, Jose Afonso began to perform; he was a renowned
origins-based artist that led the Portuguese origin renewal. With musicians
such as Luis Cilia and Sergio Godinho, Afonso helped create nova cancao music,
which, after the 1974 revolution, achieved socially-aware lyrics and became
canto livre. Brigada Victor Jara was the biggest name in canto livre, a group
that seriously studied and was influenced by the Portuguese local music.
After the Carnation Rebellion, that particular music was
used to support the left-wing parties. Political views and causes like the
agrarian transformation, equality, socialism, free education, democratic
elections and many others were a regular presence in these songs lyrics,
frequently written by popular poets like Jose Barata-Moura, Ary dos Santos or Manuel