Schlager and Volksmusik of Germany
Schlager is a type of vocal pop music, frequently in the form of sentimental ballads sung in German, fame by singers like Rex Gildo and Gi...
is a type of vocal pop music, frequently in the form of sentimental ballads
sung in German, fame by singers like Rex Gildo and Gitte Haenning in the 1960s,
though not without a wide a wide range within pattern (current Schalger,
Volksmusik resp. volkstumlicher Schlager and Schlager-Gold).
Schlager/Volksmusik is strictly separated from international pop music and is
only played on unique format radio stations (sometimes combine with
international Oldies).
source of picture:
important part of Schlager is volkstumliche Musik, a Schlager-like
interpretation of folk German traditional themes that is very renowned in
German speaking countries, especially among the older generation.
has a wide variety and the musicians with many different patterns for instance
Lou Hoffner (Eurovision Entrant 2003), Guildo Horn, Wolfgang Petry and many