Nubian Music of Egypt
The Nubians are native of the South Egypt and Northern Sudan, although a good number of them live in Cairo and many other cities, although...
Nubians are native of the South Egypt and Northern Sudan, although a good
number of them live in Cairo and many other cities, although Nubian folk music
can still be heard, through the migration and intercultural contact with
Egyptian and other musical genres have produced new innovations. Mohamed
Mounri’s social criticism and stylish pop have among other things made him a star
among Nubians, Egyptians and other people around the world, while Ali Hassan
Kuban’s efforts have scene, Mohamed Mounir’s mento, Ahmed Mounib, was by far
the most notable Nubian vocalist to hit the Egyptian music scene, singing in both
Egyptian Arabic, his native Nobin. Another famous Nubian artist is Hamza El
Din, famous on the world music scene and has joined with the kronos Quartet.
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