Folk Music of Estonia
The Estonian Runo-song has been properly documented and studied, especially those sung by the women, it can come in several ways, such as ...
Estonian Runo-song has been properly documented and studied, especially those
sung by the women, it can come in several ways, such as ballads, epic legend,
and work-songs. Many of the early students of Runo-song was done in the 1860s
led by Friedrich Reinhold Krcutzwald, who used them to make the Estonian
national epic, kalevi poeg during the 20th century, the runo-song
had eventually disappeared from the Estonia with a strong tradition existing
only in Setumaa and Kihnu.
source of picture:
traditional wind instrument was originated from those that were used by Sheppard
and they were once widespread, but it is more commonly played. Another
instrument such as zither, concertina, fiddle and accordion are used to play
polka or other dance music, the Kante is a native instrument that is now
well-known among the Estonian-Americans than in the homeland.