Tambora: Dominica Republic musical instrument
The Dominican tambora is a two headed drum that is performed in the merengue music. In many countries, specifically the Dominican Republic...

The Dominican tambora is a two headed
drum that is performed in the merengue music. In many countries, specifically
the Dominican Republic, the musical instruments were produced from salvaged
barrels. The players of the musical instrument are called tamboreros.
source: rhythmtraders.com
There are three type of tambora for
the merengue music; the oldest type is the rope tuned tambora that has black
colored heads. This is seen more in folkloric music of the Dominican Republic
and afro-Caribbean slaves. The second kind is a rope tuned tambora performed
with the skin of goat or chivo heads, either with the hair left on or without
it. The third kind of tambora is recently manufactured by companies; it is the
bolt-tuned type with rawhide conga heads. This type often has metal or wooden
rims to hit as filler for the rhythms, sounding, if the player strikes it
correctly, something analogous to the wood block. This kind is also tuned to
higher settings and can sound like the conga.
In the merengue tipico, the musical
instrument has a significantly large role, performing many different kinds of
rhythm and variations on those rhythms. Meanwhile, in orchestra merengue, the
musical instrument often only performs the merengue derecho rhythm as a
background musical instrument, while the congas are the basic rhythm musical
instrument, and then followed by the Güira. In orchestra merengue, a separate
player for the timbales can be seen very common, while in the timbales and the
tambora are performed most of the time by the same musician. The timbales are
opined to have been introduced into the genre of music by a Dominican
percussionist known as Ray ‘Chino’ Diaz.
There are three main strokes; the
slap, rim or woodblock and the open tones. These three are all used in the standard
merengue rhythms like the merengue derecho and the pambiche.