Sarinda: India musical instrument
A sarinda is a stringed Indian and Nepali folk musical instrument analogous to the fiddles and lutes. The musical instrument is played wit...
A sarinda is a stringed Indian and
Nepali folk musical instrument analogous to the fiddles and lutes. The musical
instrument is played with the use of a bow and has between 3 to 30 strings,
depending on the region in which the musical instrument is found. The bottom
part of the instrument’s front of the hollow sound box protected with the use
of animal skin. The musical instrument is performed while sitting on the ground
in a vertical orientation.
source of picture:
The musical instrument looks like it
have its origin in the tribal fiddle musical instrument that is known as
‘Dhodro Banam’ seen throughout the central, north-western and the eastern part
of India. It is an essential musical instrument in the culture and religion of
the tribal Santhals of West Bengal, Odisha as well as Bihar.
The sārangī musical instrument is an
off shoot of this musical instrument. The sarinda was presented and made
popular in Sikh devotional music by Sikh Guru Arjan Dev.
Many ethnic groups of India and folk
artists of Assam and Tripura use this musical instrument in their traditional
music and dances. The sarinda is a sole accompaniment musical instrument to
solo players and group of folk singers.